Students complete the Political Science major by concentrating in one of four traditional subfields (American politics, international relations, political theory, or comparative politics). In rare instances students complete the major via an individual concentration route.
Each requires nine courses (plus another two if you write an honors thesis).
Four Traditional Subfields
American politics, international relations, political theory, and comparative politics are the discipline’s main organizing fields. In the major, each of these has its own introductory course and its own capstone senior seminar. Taking both of these is mandatory for any concentration. For example, to concentrate in American politics, the major would take both 110 and a designated American Politics Senior Seminar, such as 412 or 413. In addition, each concentrator takes at least two electives in that subfield, preferably one at the 300 level in preparation for the senior seminar. Students concentrating in Political Theory must take either 231 (Ancient) or 232 (Modern) as one of their concentration courses. With the permission of the Department Chair, students may take a senior seminar outside their subfield of concentration, provided they also take a third elective course in that concentration.
Every major has to take two classes, one in each of two separate subfields, outside of his or her chosen concentration, for breadth.
Four concentration classes plus two breadth classes equal six. The three classes that remain to complete the major can be anything: more concentration classes for the especially keen, more breadth classes for the wide-ranging, or more of both for the moderates among us.*
Individual Concentrations
In rare circumstances, students who have a clear and consistent interest that cannot be accommodated by the four traditional subfields may propose an individual concentration route instead.
Requirements for an individual concentration vary somewhat from those for a traditional concentration. The student must write a proposal explaining and justifying the concentration path they would like to pursue, and take a total of five, rather than four, classes on this theme.* This proposal must be approved by the department. All other requirements are the same.
*At least one of the seven electives (that is, excluding the 100-level intro and 400-level capstone) must be at the 300 level and no more than two non-core 100-level courses can count toward the major. Students must also take a research course, designated in the catalog.
Students whose political science course work has been excellent (typically at or above a departmental 3.5 GPA) may apply to write a senior thesis, making them eligible for honors in the major. This is in addition to the nine required courses.
Learning Objectives
The major in political science is designed to help students obtain the following learning objectives:
- Understand the central importance of power in all facets of politics and government, as well as the roles of problem-solving, citizen action, and world-building.
- Apply theoretical perspectives from political science to current domestic and international issues.
- Develop the ability to carry out original research projects on a variety of political topics.
- Enhance the habits and skills of clear thought, rigorous analysis, and effective argumentation in writing and speech.