Darel E. Paul

Darel E. Paul

The Willmott Family Third Century Professor of Political Science, Chair of Political Economy Program

Schapiro Hall Rm 227
At Williams since 2001

Office Hours

Fall 2024: Mondays, 4-5pm; Thursdays, 9-10:30am


B.A. University of Minnesota (1990)
M.A. George Washington University, International Relations (1994)
Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Political Science (2000)

Areas of Expertise

Darel Paul’s research is focused on elite ideologies in Western countries and the manifestation of those ideologies in public policies.


His first book, Rescaling International Political Economy (2005), studied the role of subnational states in the operation of neoliberal globalization. The argument turned on how different class coalitions at the local scale seek to carry out different globalizing economic development strategies. His third book, From Toleration to Equality: How Elites Brought America to Same-Sex Marriage (2018), shows how the normalization of homosexuality and same-sex marriage in the United States has been a class project rooted in American elites’ lived experiences, their political interests, and their ideologies, particularly managerialism and diversity.


Paul has also published work on the domestic politics of the Iraq War, the political ideology of Milton Friedman and Ben Bernanke, and reviews of the international political economy literature with special interest in liberal theory. His current research focuses on nationalism and its relationship with fertility, with a special interest in Scotland.

Scholarship/Creative Work


From Tolerance to Equality: How Elites Brought America to Same-Sex Marriage. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2018.

With Abla Amawi, eds., The Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy, 3rd edition.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Rescaling International Political Economy: Subnational States and the Regulation of the Global Political Economy. New York: Routledge, 2005.


Journal articles and book chapters

The ‘civic’ road to secession: Political ideology as an ethnic boundary marker in contemporary Scotland.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 26 (2020): 167-182.

With Michael MacDonald, “Killing the goose that lays the golden egg: The politics of Milton Friedman’s economics.” Politics & Society 39 (2011): 565-588.

“Liberal perspectives on the global political economy,” in Robert A. Denemark, ed. The International Studies Association Compendium Project, Volume 8. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2010: 4898-4919.

The siren song of geopolitics: Towards a Gramscian account of the Iraq war.” Millennium 36 (2007): 51-76. Anthologized in Klaus Dodds, ed., Geopolitics. London: Sage Publications, 2009.

Teaching political economy in political science: A review of international and comparative political economy syllabi.” Perspectives on Politics 4 (2006): 729-734.

The local politics of ‘going global’: Making and unmaking Minneapolis-St. Paul as a world city.” Urban Studies 42 (2005): 2103-2122. [Lead article]

World cities as hegemonic projects: The politics of global imagineering in Montreal”. Political Geography 23 (2004): 571-596.

Re-scaling IPE: Subnational states and the regulation of the global political economy.” Review of International Political Economy 9 (2002): 465-489.

Sovereignty, survival and the Westphalian blind alley in International Relations.” Review of International Studies 25 (1999): 217-231.


Select other publications

Democrats’ disastrous gender politics,” Compact, 8 November 2024.

The failure of feminist natalism,” Compact, 26 January 2024.

Drag queens,” First Things, February 2023.

Right populism needs left economics,” Compact, 4 May 2022.

The republic’s glue loses its stickiness,” The American Conservative, September/October 2021, 12-14.

Against racialism,” First Things, October 2020, 7-.

Under the rainbow banner,” First Things, June/July 2020, 17-.

The global community is a fantasy,” The American Mind, 9 January 2020.

Listening at the Great Awokening,” Areo Magazine, 17 April 2019.  [most-read Areo article of 2019]

Culture war as class war,” First Things, August/September 2018, 41-46.

Diversity: A managerial ideology,” Quillette, 19 February 2018.


Course Syllabi

PSCI 120: Introduction to International Relations
PSCI 229: Global Political Economy
PSCI 241: Meritocracy
PSCI 360: Right-Wing Populism
PSCI 380: Sex Marriage Family
PSCI 381: The Conservative Welfare State
PSCI 421/441: The Liberal Project in International Relations
POEC 401: Contemporary Problems in Political Economy

PSCI 11: The Gospel According to U2
PSCI 15: Catholic Political Economy
MUS 12: Gregorian Chant

Program affiliations:

Program in Political Economy